Hello My Dear One, You are my only hope.
This is importantly urgent and it my reason of contacting, but however, kindly reply quickly enough. I have initially sent you massage twice to this particular email address but, I have not received your reply. It will be good if you could kindly let me know if this your email address is still active and working and I will resend it to you again if you confirmed to me that you have not received my previous messages. It is very urgent, please my sweet dear.
Actually, the reason I tried severally to reach you is because I am willing to donate and change my WILL to your names to benefit the sum of GBP£12.5, million British pounds, for the help of the less privileged and homeless and old age people as well as the in your country and other countries of your choice of which you will be responsible in taking care of the disbursement and sharing of this money to organizations that I will appoint. Meanwhile, you will also get 30% of the money which will be; Three million, seven hundred and fifty thousand Great British Pounds (£3,750,000GBP) as your compensation for helping me fulfill this desire of donation.
Quickly do your best to get back to me as soon as possible once you received this message, this is because my health condition in the hospital here is critical and I do not have much hope to live longer as the doctors reports have indicated. The cancer (leukemia) has overwhelmed my body and blood system. It is really critical on me as I am speaking to you.
May the Grace and Love of GOD Almighty be with you and your family.
I wait for your quick response with your direct contact details of your email address and direct phone number. kindly reply to me with this email address ( agnehillary@yahoo.com )
Please Call Me As Quickly As You Receive This Message (+44-78-6586-7855)
I wait for your urgent reply.
Remain blessed
Mrs.. Agnes Hilary.
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